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Appleville Summer

If you couldn’t hear the audio on the movie above, or it failed for any number of reasons technology does just when you need it, or if you just plain old skipped it, here’s the teaser text for Appleville Summer:



Welcome to APPLEVILLE SUMMER, a novel about childhood friendships, cross-dressing farmers, and giant fiberglass fruit.

It’s the summer of 1977, and ten-year-old Scott Jenson has only one goal — to see Star Wars.

Everybody in his little flyspeck of a town has seen it. His best friends have. Their parents have. Even the mailman has. Scott seems to be the only boy in the world who hasn’t, but despite repeated pleas, his father stubbornly refuses to take him.

To make matters worse, the Bartlett brothers, bullies extraordinaire, are on the warpath. A suspected murderer with an unpronounceable name is looking for him, there’s a toxic spill on the highway, and a twister is intent on relocating the whole damn town.  And everyone wants a good long look at his treasure map.

But none of this is going to stand in Scott’s way. Bullies, murderers, and twisters can do their worst, but before the summer is out, he is going to see Star Wars.



Appleville Summer is based upon the author's own childhood experiences of growing up in the back of beyond, with a liberal sprinkling of complete lies.The novel should have widespread appeal, from teenagers upwards, with especial emphasis for those of us in our forties and fifties who can recall the waning years of the Seventies through the haze of misguided nostalgia.

The author is currently seeking representation for the novel.


About the author

Norm Konyu grew up in Ontario, in a town just like Appleville, but that was quite some time ago. Since his escape, he has been an animator on commercials, feature films, and television series in several countries, and is currently living and working in the UK.

Just like the novel’s main character, Norm recalls how everyone in the world had seen Star Wars except him, an Evel Knievel stunt cycle was a thing of sheer beauty, and comic books were the finest literature available to mankind. He began to write Appleville Summer when his son was ten, realising just how different their childhoods were.

It is his first novel (well, at least the first one to see the cold light of day).


for further information:

or visit Norm’s main site:

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